
Corporate News

Hua Wei Salt bentonite product introductions and technological development


      In recent years, Hua Wei bentonite Group continued to increase research investment, focus on research and development of salt bentonite drilling has been successfully applied in the field, its performance indicators have reached the international level.

      Sea mud, salt bentonite geographical restrictions from the environment, you can place water, are not subject to the constraints of weather conditions, you can always use. "Hua Wei" brand of salt and salt bentonite bentonite solve other excessive fluid loss (140-160ml) drawbacks, its filtration is not more than 14ml. It has a dissolution speed, strong hydration capacity, high mud, mud thin, high stability, high capacity solid wall, drill a small roundabout resistance, drilling rate and so on. Especially when encountered in the sediment layer and the salt layer construction, its strong inhibition can prevent collapse, prevent hole enlargement, reduction under the drilling process from drilling Difficult drill does not in the end and sticking, etc. occur.


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